Research Report, June 2013

Census 2011 figures have revealed that Co. Wexford has the third highest rate of unemployment amongst 15 – 24 year olds in the country. With an unemployment rate of 47%, almost one in every two young people in the labour force is currently without work. In November 2012, Wexford Local Development held a conference attended by over 200 young people, community representatives and service providers. This event highlighted the severity of this problem and focused on ways to tackle it.

In order better understand the ‘stories behind the statistics’, WLD also embarked on a research project. We spoke with young people themselves, people who provide services to them and with employers. We wanted to hear about the experience of being young and unemployed in Wexford today and to learn from employers and service providers about how best to support our young people to stay motivated in their search for work at a time when the rate of job creation is at an all-time low. This report presents the findings of this project and makes several recommendations as to how youth unemployment can be tackled by working together and tailoring responses to the needs of diverse groups of young job-seekers.

Click here to download full report – 1A Missing Generation’ – WLD Research Report on Youth Unemployment June 2013

Attendees at the WLD Conference in 2012 which looked at issues of youth unmeployment
Attendees at the WLD Conference in 2012 which looked at issues of youth unmeployment



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