SUSI, the national student grant awarding body has announced that its online application system for the 2018/19 academic year is now open.
Visit their website and use the Eligibility Reckoner before making an application. This will give you an indication as to your eligibility for student grant funding.
SUSI also have a number of self-help tools available on their website, including videos and detailed guidance notes for making an application.
SUSI are encouraging all students to submit their application as soon as possible. They do not need to have their leaving certificate results or to have accepted a course, in order to submit an application.
The priority closing date for new applications is 12th July 2018.
SUSI has also reminded students who are progressing to the next year of their course that they must renew their grants and they have e-mailed students to inform them of the process for renewing. The priority closing date for renewal applications is 14th June, 2018.