WLD has some exciting new training opportunities starting soon. If you are interested in finding out more about working in childcare there is a 2 day Introduction to Childcare course starting 23rd June.
We also have a one day course in Lámh, the manual sign language used by young people and adults with learning disabilities. This course is on Wed 30th June.
For those of you excited by the prospect of working in retail there is a four week Introduction to Retail course starting Wednesday 9th June
To find out more about these and other training options contact your local WLD office, Cate in Enniscorthy cmkeon@wld.ie , Amanda in Gorey abennett@wld.ie, Noreen in New Ross ndake@wld.ie and Fran fgleeson@wld.ie or Jenny jkirwan@wld.ie for Wexford