As featured in this week’s Wexford People Newspaper – 22nd February 2022
LEADER grant aid set to help deliver 72 new jobs in Wexford – Independent.ie
An estimated seventy-two new jobs are to be delivered in County Wexford by businesses that were approved for LEADER grant aid during 2022. €714,000 was allocated between twelve diverse businesses to facilitate expansion and diversification. The range of successful start-up and existing businesses include niche food producers, tourism enterprises and specialised engineering services from across the county. Meanwhile, a further six tourism focused feasibility studies were funded. In due course, these have potential to result in unique additions to the tourism infrastructure in the county.
According to Tom Bermingham, LEADER Programme Coordinator at Wexford Local Development, this grant aid is supporting the creation of 72 new jobs in the county as well as sustaining 133 existing jobs in the grant-aided businesses. These jobs have a significant impact on the local economy and prove the success of LEADER in improving the quality of life in rural areas.
Wexford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) in partnership with Wexford Local Development has responsibility for the delivery of LEADER funding in the county under the remit of the Department of Rural and Community Development. The focus of LEADER is to support local economic development, diversification of the rural economy and the creation of employment opportunities in the county.
LEADER grant aid beneficiaries in 2022: