To celebrate International Men’s Day 2020 on Thursday November 19th, Wexford Local Development is looking for Wexford’s “Best Man” from our Men’s Sheds.
In partnership with Traynor’s of Wexford we are looking for nominations for Wexford’s “Best Man” – only condition is that he must be a member of a Men’s Shed based in Co. Wexford. Find your local Shed by clicking here
The winner will receive €250 worth of outdoor tools for their shed; helping members get active again when restrictions permit – hopefully in early December.
With outdoor activities proven to be considerably safer for group settings during the pandemic, we hope this prize will see the “Best Man” and his Shed colleagues enjoy some time together before Christmas.
Wexford Local Development works with many Men’s Sheds across the county through the Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme. The Sheds not only contribute to the life and soul of many communities, they are a place where men meet shoulder to shoulder, promoting well-being and reducing isolation. During the pandemic, the Sheds have been missed right around the county. We are all looking forward to when the men can meet safely again.
In order to be in with a chance to win, simply nominate a member of any Men’s Shed and email community@wld.ie telling us why he is Wexford’s “Best Man”. Don’t forget to let us know which Men’s Shed he is a member of, as the prize goes to the Shed. Anyone can nominate.
We’ll announce the winner on Friday, the 27th of November on our website & social media platforms
Conor from Traynor’s of Wexford will join us to present the prize to Wexford’s “Best Man” as soon as restrictions permit.
For more information about Men’s Sheds, visit the Irish Men’s Sheds Association website by clicking here
Alternatively visit the Community Development section of our website for contact details of your local district Community Development Officer